🎉Celica špila, pleše, miga, gruva in muva na najbolj vročih koncertnih večerih v mestu – že tretje leto zapored! 🎉Poletne četrtke bomo spet preživljali na našem carskem letnem vrtu, kjer bomo gostili še bolj carske bende! Ker se poletja še nismo naveličali, smo v svojo družbo poklicali nemško zasedbo💫 AUA💫, družbo pa jim bodo delal naravnost velikanski 🪐Moving As A Giant🪐.
💫Drugi album AUA, »The Damaged Organ«, podrobno raziskuje koncept odtujenosti. Medtem ko se pesmi dua lotevajo te teme z introspekcijo (»Sem tujec telesu«) kot tudi s sociološke perspektive (»Sem tujec temu svetu«), je album do neke mere tudi zgodba o iskanju identitete: »Kdo sem in kako se vključujem v ta svet?«
Glasbeno se to odraža v prostoru, ki se zdi bolj neomejen kot AUA-jev prvenec iz leta 2020, »I Don’t Want It Darker«. Odpirajo se nove možnosti. Na kocki je več. Še bolj osupljivo je, da je bilo to večplastno delo znova posneto na DIY-način. Preden se je začela produkcija, sta Fabian Bremer in Henrik Eichmann lovila čudaške in nenavadne elektronske instrumente, iskala navdih in nove zvoke, ki bi še razširili že tako eklektično mešanico eksplozivnih Motorik ritmov, Carpenterjevih arpeggiov in surf kitar. V albumu »The Damaged Organ« Bremer in Eichmann igrata praktično vse instrumente, medtem ko se izmenjujeta pri vokalih. Skladbo »Islands Song« vključuje tudi Anniko Henderson (Anika, Exploded View), katere glas doda edinstven element k nezemeljski naravi skladbe, katere modulirajoče sintetične melodije spominjajo na »Plantasio« Morta Garsona. V primerjavi z »I Don’t Want It Darker« člana zasedbe AUA pristopata k pesmim, kot je »Death in Space«, s še večjo odločnostjo, da ustvarita svoj lasten pop načrt. Njihove nove skladbe so hkrati bolj kompleksne in privlačnejše ter še naprej nosijo breztežnostno melanholijo, ki je zaznamovala njihov zvok. Philipp Welsing je dodal končne nianse pri masteringu, medtem ko je Fabian Bremer pri umetniški podobi ponovno sodeloval z Mihailom Kalabićem iz Beograda, z umetnikom, čigar nadrealistične stvaritve dopolnjujejo zvok albuma z enako fascinantnimi podobami. Če vam je všeč glasba Beak, Broadcast, Suuns, Autolux ali kasnejše delo Blur, boste ta album in to zasedbo oboževali.
AUA-jev album »The Damaged Organ« je izšel 21. januarja 2022 digitalno in na 12″ vinilu pri založbi Crazysane Records.
🪐Trio Moving as a Giant, ki prihaja iz Murske Sobote, išče svoj glasbeni izraz v prepletu različnih zvrsti. Tako je znotraj njihove glasbe moč slišati vplive bluesa, drona, postrocka, shoegaza, ki jih s pestrimi melanholičnimi vokalnimi linijami in premeteno uporabo klaviatur ter ritmov povežejo v masivno gmoto zvoka. Težišče aranžmajev je na nojzerski strani kitarske linije, ki se spogleduje s postrock dronom. V Celici bodo predstavili svoj istoimenski dolgometražni prvenec.
20:00 vrata
20:15 Moving as a Giant
21:15 AUA
🎉Celica rocks, dances, moves, and grooves at the hottest concert events in town – for the third year in a row!🎉 Once again, we will spend Summer Thursdays in our majestic Summer Garden in the company of some even more majestic bands! Since we haven’t had enough of summer yet, we invited the German band 💫AUA💫 to join us, and they will be accompanied by the truly gigantic 🪐Moving As A Giant🪐.
💫AUA’s second album, “The Damaged Organ”, explores in depth the concept of alienation. While the duo’s songs approach this topic with introspection (‘I am a stranger to body’) as well as a sociological perspective (‘I am alien to this world’), to a certain extent the album is also a story of a search for identity: ‘Who am I and how do I fit into this world?’ Musically, this is reflected in a space that seems more boundless than AUA’s 2020 debut, “I Don’t Want It Darker”. New possibilities open up. There is more at stake.
All the more astonishing that this multifaceted work was once again recorded in DIY fashion. Before production started, Fabian Bremer and Henrik Eichmann went hunting for strange and unusual electronic instruments, seeking inspiration and new sounds which would expand upon AUA’s already eclectic mix of explosive Motorik beats, Carpenter-esque arpeggios, and surf guitars. Throughout “The Damaged Organ” Bremer and Eichmann play virtually every instrument while taking turns on vocals. “Islands Song” also features Annika Henderson (Anika, Exploded View), whose voice adds a unique element to the otherworldly nature of the track, the modulating synthetic melodies of which bring Mort Garson’s “Plantasia” to mind. Compared to “I Donw’t Want It Darker”, AUA approach songs like “Death in Space” with even more determination to create their own pop blueprint. Their new compositions are both more complex and catchier all at once, and continue to be carried by the weightless melancholy that has distinguished their sound.
Philipp Welsing added the final touches in mastering, while for the artwork Fabian Bremer collaborated once more with Belgrade-based artist Mihailo Kalabic, whose surrealistic creations counter the sounds of the album with equally fascinating imagery. If you enjoy the sounds of Beak, Broadcast, Suuns, Autolux, or the later work of Blur, you will love this album.
AUA’s “The Damaged Organ” was released digitally and on 12″ vinyl by Crazysane Records on January 21st, 2022.
🪐The trio Moving as a Giant, hailing from Murska Sobota, seeks to express their music through a blend of various genres. Within their music, you can hear influences of blues, drone, post-rock, and shoegaze, which they fuse into a massive soundscape with rich melancholic vocal lines and clever use of keyboards and rhythms. The arrangements develop on the noisier side of the guitar line, flirting with post-rock drone. They will be presenting their self-titled debut album at Celica.
20:00 doors
20:15 Moving as a Giant
21:15 AUA